I couldn't even begin to tell you how tired my legs and feet were on Monday! On October 1st, my Audrie Jocelle officially turned two. Another year of life is another blessing. I honestly can't believe how fast time goes by, especially with a growing child. There isn't a day where Audrie doesn't learn something new. Whether it be a word, a gesture, a new sound, a new animal.. There is always something she picks up, and I couldn't be more amazed.
Audrie is such an intelligent little girl, with so much character, and so much charisma. I still can't believe it's been two years. She's grown up right before my eyes. Didn't even let me enjoy her infant months too much, because she started walking at an early age, she was potty trained at an early age.. She's talking, having conversations with us. Telling us what she wants and how she wants it. Some words may still be gibberish, but being a mom means understanding every word that she says.
I love my Audrie Jocelle with all my heart. Two years have gone by just like that, so I'll make sure to cherish every day, every moment, every laugh, and every "I love you" that we share.
May God bless you with good health and a long prosperous life, my little angel.
Mommy loves you.